Just I scan my software pool for programms
which I can publish for free


WCC - Work Counter Clock (timekeeping) - vi-2008

Register Your timekeeping spent for
different projects (long and short time values)

IMPORTANT: Current time will NOT BE SAVED if the
time still running ! Press PAUSE before save
by closing the window or changing the project.

Download WCC - Work Counter Clock

@ 2008 by Jürgen Viestenz - Free for personal use only.
Do not publish it somewhere without permission.


STRUCTOR - Pascal to Flow-Chart Compiler

This compiler I wrote in 1994, using Assembler and Borland Pascal 7.0.
For my programmings it is a key tool until today. But for uses up to date,
it has a few points to mind because changes concerning the
Pascal Language after I finished this work (see notes below).

With Structor You can open .pas files (with 16k lines limit), or copy one
or more complet methods and insert with "Bearbeiten/Einfügen". If the
viewed file changed meanwhile, simply miminize / normalize the
Structor window to reload the file. Moving to the next or previous
method by < or >.

Windows Help Files are available in English and German, but You
need the WinHlp32.exe to open these files (seems Microsoft don't like
its previous works more then hurting the user and earlier programmers :// ).

At early Pascal times, {...} and (*...*) are used to exclude code parts.
Structor has not implemented excludings by //, and it uses may cause
errors or hides the "//" but not the following chars. Try to expand
// to //- and it may help. At closing the program, two error boxes opens
but haven't effects - ignore it. For more information see the file
"Description German + English.txt"

Download Structor (install program)

@ 1994 by Jürgen Viestenz - Free for personal use only.
Do not publish it somewhere without permission.




jürgen viestenz home page © jürgen viestenz nov 2015